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Honduras: Humanitarian Response Plan (January 2023)

During 2021, the humanitarian needs analysis revealed that 2.8M people in Honduras were in need of humanitarian assistance. This analysis was updated in 2022 and indicated that these needs were exacerbated by a food security crisis, violence, human mobility, climate change and disasters (aftermath of Hurricanes Eta and Iota, floods and droughts), increasing the number of people with humanitarian needs to 3.2M.

This Humanitarian Response Plan addresses critical issues related to population health, malnutrition and food insecurity, human mobility and protection risks, provision of and/or access to essential services, and coping mechanisms of affected people.Based on the operational capacity of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT), the 2023 Plan aims to assist 2.1 million of the most vulnerable people, of which 32 per cent are women, 23 per cent are men and 45 per cent are children and adolescents.The Plan has two strategic objectives; the first seeks to contribute to protecting and saving the lives of people affected or at risk of being affected by the impact of food insecurity, violence, human mobility, disasters and the effects of climate change, through support for the exercise of rights and cross-sectoral humanitarian assistance with a focus on protection, age, gender and diversity.The second focuses on supporting and strengthening sustainable solutions that contribute to promoting timely, coordinated and localised access to rights, self-reliance and resilience of people affected or at risk, considering their gender, age and diversity, as a nexus between humanitarian assistance and development.To achieve these objectives, the Plan includes 96 projects from 48 organisations, including United Nations System (UNS) agencies, national and international non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement working in a coordinated manner through the eight Clusters and four Areas of Responsibility (AoR) under the leadership of the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT).The implementation of these projects requires $280.4 million and will be presented to the donor community to facilitate resource mobilisation in a timely manner. Implementation of the Plan also requires maximum support and coordination with national authorities to ensure humanitarian access to the most vulnerable people and to promote an operating environment that facilitates and protects humanitarian action.

Source : Re;ief Web
