Home » Qatargate: ‘No Peace Without Justice’ Rome office searched

Qatargate: ‘No Peace Without Justice’ Rome office searched

> Luca74: ++ Qatar: Panzeri e Giorgi tra i 4 fermi convalidati oggi ++ Rilasciati sotto condizioni Visentini e il padre di Kaili (ANSA) - BRUXELLES, 11 DIC - I 4 fermi convalidati dalla giustizia belga nell'ambito dell'inchiesta sulla corruzione da parte del Qatar sono quelli della vice presidente del Pe Eva Kaili, dell'ex eurodeputato Antonio Panzeri, dell'assistente parlamentare Francesco Giorgi e di Niccolò Figa-Talamanca della ong No peace Without Justice. Rilasciati sotto condizioni Luca Visentini e il padre di Kaili. E' quanto riportano i media belgi citando fonti giudiziarie. (ANSA).

(ANSA) – ROME, FEB 21 – The Rome office of the ‘No Peace Without Justice’ NGO was searched Tuesday in connection with the ‘Qatargate’ case of alleged bribery by the Middle Eastern country and Morocco to get favours from the European Parliament.

The head of the charity, Italy’s Niccolò Figa-Talamanca, is one of several people under investigation in the case. He was arrested by the Belgian authorities in December and released from jail early in February. Figa-Talamanca denies any wrongdoing.

Searches at the headquarters of ‘No Peace Without Justice’, of which Figà-Talamanca is the secretary general, and at the home of the association’s treasurer Antonella Casu, in Rome, were carried out by the Milan public prosecutor’s office on the basis of a European investigation order by the Brussels judiciary in the context of Qatargate.

Casu was also questioned,assisted by a lawyer. (ANSA).

source: ansa
