“When I was abroad, I saw them on pretty much every city block. I would love to have the same thing here in the US.”
Whenever you visit a new place, there are likely to be aspects of daily life there that feel totally new. And personally, I love discovering international habits or customs I wish I could adopt back home. So Redditor u/danielgmal asked, “What did you experience in another country that you wish you could make a part of your regular life?” Here’s what people said.
1. “The cafe culture that is so common in France. I loved just sitting at an outdoor cafe and people watching while drinking my espresso with zero sense of rush.”

2. “In Portugal, I encountered lots of miradors around cities like Lisbon and Maderia. They’re little shaded courtyard areas with toilets and snacks in all the best views of the city, and they’re totally genius. You can spend a day seeing the city from these beautiful little lookouts. I wish that every city would do this!”

3. “The tradition of passeggiata in Italy, which is basically a nice stroll through town before or after dinner where you can catch up with neighbors and friends.”

4. “I loved how in Japan, restaurants often provide photos alongside the names of the menu items, which is really helpful when you’re deciding what to order!”

5. “In Buenos Aires, there are little Verdulerías (fruit and vegetable shops) on pretty much every street corner. They’re so convenient and I would love to have that here in the US.”

6. “Round tables complete with lazy Susans. In China, almost every restaurant had this, which made eating with others much more involved. It made me realize how often I’m stuck at the corner of a rectangular table trying to be involved in the conversation and struggling to hear anything. The round table is what we all need.”

7. “In Japan, people have a ton of respect for schools and keeping them clean. I would love for my children’s schools to hold students accountable for keeping their learning space tidy and well respected like that.”

8. “When I went to Italy, I ate outside everywhere. It was so lovely. Eating al fresco automatically made each meal feel more relaxed and special. My husband and I came home and immediately purchased a little dining set for our porch. I wish outdoor dining was more ubiquitous and available everywhere back home.”

9. “I loved how in Japan, every restaurant seemed to perfect and focus on one type of food, whether it was tempura, ramen, yakitori, sushi, or even pizza. It made for such a fun and unique dining experience. Here in the US, you often find very eclectic restaurants that try to do it all, but I loved the focused and almost studious approach to dining in Japan.”

—Hannah Loewentheil
10. “I was a big fan of late dinners in Spain. It took a little while to adjust, but I ended up loving the idea of sitting down to dinner around 9 p.m. It makes each day feel longer, more leisurely, and unrushed. My husband and I have actually made a habit of eating later in the evening back in NYC.”

—Hannah Loewentheil
11. “In so many places I’ve traveled in Europe, cafés give you a little biscuit or cookie with your coffee. I find it mind-boggling that every cafe in the world doesn’t follow suit. It’s such a delightful addition and can’t cost much.”

12. “Italian happy hour. In Italy, we took advantage of it every afternoon around 5, just after we were done sightseeing. Each day involved a little wine, some cheese, and cold cuts. Then we would relax for a few hours and then go out for a proper dinner. I could definitely get used to this back home.”

13. “On the flight home from London after our first visit there, my spouse asked me what impressed me the most. My honest answer was the Tube. Since then, almost every European city I’ve visited has impressed me with how easy it is to get around on public transportation. If only we had the same access to and ease of public transportation where we live.”

14. “I loved the street food and hawker stalls prevalent in south east Asia. These countries have tons of access to cheap, clean, and relatively healthy dishes that are readily available. After a long day at work I’d love to be able to pop by a street market and grab pad Thai, chicken rice, or a big bowl of laksa for a few bucks rather than going home and cooking for myself.”

15. “I love the Scandinavian culture of wood burning saunas and cold dips. I could get used to that on the regular so quickly.”

16. “In Japan, many restaurants have a button to press on your table when you want the server to come. This is so your server doesn’t bother you when you’re not ready to order and also so you can get fast attention when you need something.”

17. “Taiwanese 7-Elevens. When I was in Taiwan, this convenience store improved quality of life tremendously. Aside from the enormous food selection (onigiri, ramen, drinks, snacks), you can also get freshly brewed coffee, pay your bills, and send postage in one place. I miss these 7-Elevens so much.”

18. “I loved how many Italian cities boast large, car-free pedestrian zones. Sitting at a table outside a cafe without the noise and distraction of cars going by is wonderful. These traffic-free areas really add to the ambiance.”

19. “Shabbat in Israel. I love this simple tradition of eating a long, peaceful dinner with family or friends on Friday evening. It’s a time to let the week go and recharge. It’s respected by employers so no one will ask or expect you to stay late on Fridays to work.”

20. “In many bars in Southern Spain, you get tapas (light snacks) when you order a cocktail with no extra charge. It’s just a little something to nibble on while you drink. I’m a big fan of this custom.”
