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Costa Rica Volcano Spews 3km Plume

The Rincón de la Vieja volcano in Costa Rica has spewed a cloud of smoke 3km high, German news agency (dpa) quoted the national Civil Protection Agency CNE on Friday.

The CNE said steam, ash and gases had risen above the crater. It said the volcano, located in a national park in the northwest of the Central American country, has been in “constant eruption”.

“In this eruption, there was an expulsion of material from the bottom of the main lake that generated hot mud currents (lahars) towards the channels of the northern part,“ the CNE said in a tweet.

The volcano is located around 270km north-west of the capital San José.

The 1,900m-high mountain is one of the most active volcanoes in Costa Rica. After a quiet phase, increased activity has been recorded there since April.

Authorities have urged people not to go near the volcano.

Source : The Sun
